A number of recent clients have hired us to help them with what we refer to as “Retro Jobs.” A restoration job is typically a system that was built 10 or more years ago and has now fallen behind the times compared to the type of technology we’ve become accustom to today. For example, can you imagine still using the same cell phone you had 10 years ago? Old touch screens tend to be clunky, oversized and expensive – and the user interface clearly outdated. The picture quality on old television sets is no longer impressive and the audio that once sounded exceptional … well, it no longer does. Unfortunately, the old automation system is inconsistent – often needing to be rebooted – rendering it unreliable and overall unusable.
The story from client-to-client is always similar: A decade ago they made a substantial investment in their audio/video system and while they’ve fallen out of love with it, they’re also reluctant to fix the problem, fearing they will incur the original expense all over again.
They’re surprised to learn their old system might not need to receive a death sentence. At least not completely. While the primary control system and a few other legacy pieces of equipment might need to be replaced outright – a good deal of hardware can often be reused and integrated back into the new system to save on costs. So it doesn’t tend to be nearly as expensive as one might think. Technology has improved dramatically over the last few years – quality has increased while at the same time prices have decreased.
The latest user interfaces are streamlined, intuitive and can be installed on any iPhone, iPad or Android device. Hand-held television remotes featuring color touch-screens and voice recognition technology make channel surfing a breeze. New televisions with 4K and HDR (High Definition Resolution) are visually spectacular. Additionally the newest innovations in projectors are laser-based, removing the need to ever replace a bulb again. Images are now brighter than ever before from home theater projectors.
With the availability of new online services and streaming music servers, you now have instant access to your entire music collection along with the most popular Internet media services including Pandora, iTunes, Spotify, SiriusXM, Rhapsody and more: Such as TuneIn radio, which allows you to listen to nearly any terrestrial broadcast radio station world-wide. Speakers are bigger, bolder and brighter compared to their counterparts from prior generations. They are sleeker looking and can even be invisible. Movie servers provide full 4K resolution of your movie library from a local server without having to rely on internet bandwidth.
So don’t assume you need to suffer in silence or poor picture quality. Our retro clients have been thrilled to have their home entertainment systems restored to glory and providing them with the entertainment they love.
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